Kickstarter作为全球影响力最大的众筹平台,自2009年成立至今,已经为201,560个项目成功融资5,812,991,775美元;且在在全球经济都受疫情影响的 2020 年,创下了12年来历史最高8.15亿美元的众筹业绩,和12年来历史最高49%的项目成功率。
本周,我们有幸邀请到Kickstarter硬件&设计类总监进行访谈,她帮助过许多中国的创业团队在 Kickstarter 平台上实现成功众筹。带着许多用户都关心提问的问题,让我们一起来听听Kickstarter官方前线权威的答案。

1、Question:There are Kickstarter campaigns spent a lot of money on promotion such as Facebook Ads and Google Ads. Can they profit on such a large marketing spending? Is it possible to make a good profit through a successful Kickstarter campaign?
问题:如今,越来越多的Kickstarter项目要在广告营销上花费大量成本,例如我们最常见的Facebook Ads和Google Ads。基于这么大笔广告营销费用,项目还能盈利吗?有可能通过一个成功的Kickstarter项目获利吗?
It’s important to go into a crowdfunding campaign for the right reasons, and making a big, quick profit is probably not the best one.
The unique opportunity of Kickstarter is to find your first community of early adopters, who connect deeply and meaningfully with your vision and passion. Creator vs. backer is a different kind of relationship than buyer vs. seller – it’s more like a collaboration. It can be a powerful relationship if you can turn those first backers into your evangelists, long term.
For those reasons, it’s better to ask: how will the Kickstarter campaign fit into your overall goals, for the long term? How can crowdfunding act as a ‘step one’ to launching your product and finding new audiences in the world?
We do often hear from creators who are not making much profit margin on their Kickstarter campaign, whether because of their ads spend or lower reward prices or other factors. Instead, they are using it as a way to fund their tooling and first production runs, and build that first community of evangelists towards a longer-term business goal. That said, it’s really important that you don’t put yourself in a precarious position with not enough funds to deliver your product.
I would encourage you to avoid the hype of a large funding target and think instead about a manageable, meaningful number of backers that you can cultivate and engage on a deeper level through crowdfunding.
2、Question:Will Kickstarter support Facebook pixel in short future?
问题:Kickstarter会在短期内支持Facebook pixel吗?
There are big changes happening in the world of digital advertising. Due to changes with Apple iOS, it looks like Pixel tracking will no longer be able to be integrated or supported by most major platforms. While this has always been a highly-requested feature, it doesn’t look like it will be possible to support Pixel in the near future.
数字广告世界正在发生翻天覆地的变化,且由于Apple iOS的改变,很多主要的平台似乎都要不再支持Pixel跟踪。这一直都是个要求很高的功能,将来Kickstarter仍然可能不支持Pixel。
3、Question:Currently only Hong Kong is accepted by Kickstarter. Will Kickstarter allow China creators to launch campaign in short future?
Kickstarter is limited by the locations our payment processor, Stripe, is open and currently that does not include China. We’ll keep an eye out if things change. Until then, you will be able to launch a project if you can set up a business entity in one of the 25 countries that we are officially open, including Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, US, UK or others.
4、Question:China creators can open a Hongkong or US company, but Kickstarter requires a local person`s identity when launching campaign. We don`t have access to the local identities. Any suggestion to solve the issue?
We are in the process of making changes that will allow Chinese creators to use their own passports as identity documents on their Hong Kong or US entity project. I hope this will be rolled out to all users by the end of the year.
In the meantime, we’re running a trial beta program to allow this on a case-by-case basis – you can get in touch with your chose agency, like GadgetLabs, to discuss if it may be possible.
Another option is to find and work with a local person as a collaborator on your campaign. However, be sure this is a person you can trust and a true collaborator n the delivery of your project, since they will ultimately be the legally responsible party for the campaign and their actions can affect your project (and vice versa.)
我们正在改进以允许中国地区的Creator利用香港或美国公司发起项目时,使用自己的护照作为身份证明, 我希望在今年年底之前可以将其推广给所有Creator。
5、Question:What are the important things to build a successful Kickstarter campaign?
I’d say it’s understanding the broader point that Kickstarter backers are looking to support inspiring projects with interesting narratives, and are not necessarily looking for the “best deal” or “lowest price”. It’s not e-commerce, so don’t use the same kind of sale or bargain language or approach. Instead, use a mission and quality-focused approach.
For example, if we look at just your campaign page: Stay away from too many all-white studio shots or 3D renderings (they’re not allowed on Kickstarter anyway!) Don’t include overused, e-commerce sales language like “World’s Best” or “World’s First”. And don’t make discount graphics too prominent.
Instead, focus on authentic and natural-looking images, showing the product in context, in a real-world setting and ideally some human element like a hand (to warm it up and make a human connection.) If it’s a cooking product, for example: show it with some colorful food, in a nice kitchen, with a hand holding a spoon nearby. Having a great main image is important, as are all the images on the page.
6、Question:How to get “Project We Love” label and included in Kickstarter weekly newsletter?
问题:项目如何获得“Project We Love”标签并登上Kickstarter每周newsletter上?
We have two types of features on Kickstarter: automated and editorial.
Automated features (like ‘New and noteworthy’ or ‘Recommended for you’ on the front page, among lots of other smaller ways we recommend) are driven in tandem with your own pledges and traffic, plus the backer’s own taste profile. The more pledges and traffic you generate, the more we’ll surface the project among backers. In this way, the power is in your hands – just keep sharing the project. Automated features are some of the most powerful and consistent ways that backers will find your page on Kickstarter.
Editorial features (certain slots and newsletters) are selected by a dedicated editorial team who are looking at each project as it launches. These are really more about Kickstarter brand stories than about driving pledges per se, but can be powerful too of course. Our team are looking for two things when they select a project for this kind of feature: an interesting, notable project doing something new in the world. And one whose story is told well on the campaign page (so, you can follow some of the tips I shared above – avoiding sales language, and focus on mission/quality.)
In general, you can expect between 20-30% of your pledges might come from Kickstarter’s features. The true average in Design & Tech categories is actually a little higher, but this is a ‘safe’ range to expect. We’re pretty proud of this – our organic community can have a big impact on campaigns. But keep in mind that the majority of pledges to any successful campaign will be driven by your own efforts to do outreach and find your audience. Consider Kickstarter pledges a bonus.
自动化功能(比如首页上的“New and noteworthy”/“为您推荐”等等许多小窗口),与项目每天得到的pledge数量和页面访问量息息相关,产生的pledge和流量越多,你的的项目就越多机会浮出首页。这个方法是可控完全掌握在你手中的,你尽管大力推广做好你的项目就好。这也是backer在Kickstarter首页上有机会看到你项目最普遍但又最有效的方式了。
7、Question:My product was only selling on Taobao to China market. Possible to launch it on Kickstarter?
No. Kickstarter is geared entirely towards new ideas, and for backers and creators to collaborate in bringing new projects to life. We don’t allow products that have been for sale elsewhere, even if it was just in one specific market. If you’re making a new version of an existing product with some notable new features, that may be allowed, but you should be clear on the page (with a chart or graphic, for example) about how the new version is different from what is already existing.
8、Question:Does Kickstarter track all the successful campaigns and what are the hottest product category on Kickstarter (in terms of backer number)?
We do track some of our broad, higher-level categories, like Design & Tech or Games, for example. Those are the three highest-funding categories on Kickstarter with Design & Tech projects representing almost 45% of all funding on Kickstarter. (Games is another 35%.) But we don’t track subcategories too much, like Headphones or Robots, for example.
Anecdotally, I can tell you that certain product categories are proving popular this past year – 2020 was our highest-funding year of all time, with more funds pledged to Kickstarter and more backers than any other year before, and 2021 looking just as strong. The projects that are standing out do tend to respond to this pandemic moment.
For example, we’re noticing projects that capture a renewed interest in nature, like Terraplanter (a unique indoor planter), or Bird Buddy (a smart bird feeder). We see projects that help with indoor fitness, like Quell, a motion-tracking wearable that combines gaming with working out. Cooking has been another popular category, with one of our highest-funding European projects being Otto’s Smart BBQ/Grill. We’ve even seen some things that respond to this moment in off-beat ways, like Cinera, who brought the big-screen movie-going experience to an immersive personal display at home.
2020年,我们注意到了体现人们对自然重燃兴趣的项目,例如Terraplanter(一种室内无土种植的陶质花盆,荣登 2020 年 科技类类别的榜首)或Bird Buddy(一款智能鸟类喂食器);我们也看到了帮助你室内健身的项目,例如Quell(一款将游戏与室内健身相结合的运动追踪可穿戴设备);烹饪也是受欢迎的类别,智能烤箱Otto’s Smart Grill,是去年欧洲区众筹金额最高的项目;抗对疫情最好的方式就是呆在家里,例如Cinera Edge,一款头戴 IMAX 3D 电影院,将大屏幕的电影观影体验带入了身临其境的个人显示器中。